The Bitterness of Defeat

It was not our time.
However, fear not my brethren, for a time WILL come, a new day WILL dawn, and a new team WILL rise from the disheartened ashes of cruel defeat with the ever-present spirit of determination, optimism, and battle-hardened courage that runs, like the waters of our mighty river, so potently throughout our glorious Gulf Coast. A time will come when Hollywood returns, when the secondary is stronger, when the game is officiated fairly, and when battle is joined on a true field of sport where steps ring true rather than a mud-infested lake that deprives us of our strongest weapons. A new day will dawn when our men will don their black and gold AT HOME amidst the thunderous roar of the New Orleans faithful and teach the nation what it truly means to fear as our Saints lay waist to all that oppose them and crucify the Chicago Bears on a cross of redemption amidst the strident chant of that piercing question: Who Dat Rex Grossman, Who Dat Cedrick Benson, let me just ask you WHO DAT SAY DE’ GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS!!!
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