Saturday, September 09, 2006

Things that piss me off

This week for the "Things that piss me off" series we turn to:

Mid Term Elections

I'm sorry I know this post is a bit mainstream but at this point I really don't give a shit, I need to vent. If you didn't know I hate the House of Representatives. I mean I don't just dislike them, no sir, this is a DEEP hate. It's the kind of hate I personally reserve for stuff like local used-car commercials and personal injury lawyer ads, the kind that piss you off so much you just want to enter some kind of demonic plot to bring the sons-of-bitches down or perhaps just put a chair through your television just to shut the bastards up. God, I'm starting to lose it just thinking about it.

Seriously though, that's the kind of regard I hold the House of Representatives in, they're the used car salesmen and ambulance chasers of the U.S. government. They'll lie to you in a heartbeat and smile at you while they're doing it. Plus we have to listen to their idiotic rhetoric every other year because the "Framers," in what can only be classified as one of their biggest mistakes, decided to hold House elections every two years in order to keep representatives...wait for it...that's right...CLOSER to the people. That my friends is bullshit. As Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein argue in The Broken Branch after they're elected most Reps simply tow the party line for a few DAYS--literally days, when they're in session they work like three days a week--until its time to go campaigning again. Moderates, who are in fact closest to the people ideologically, are routinely ignored by party leaders making it difficult for them to hold office.

It wouldn't be so bad if we only had to listen to the idiotic rhetoric in the House but we don't. In an election year idiocy knows no bounds and unfortunately replaces creative thinking on all levels. Take Iraq and GWOT for instance.

Rice, a one-time provost at Stanford University compares Iraq and Civil War critiques, which is total bullshit. 620,000 Americans died in a war that threatened to destroy the country, Condi I think the stakes were a little higher. Meanwhile Bush and Rummy drone on about Islamofacists, Nazis, and the same tired references to Munich which have been used to justify just about everything under the sun in modern foreign relations. Strong plan. Let's scare the living shit out of Americans until they forget about the endless list of mistakes that are destroying a once-worthy goal of a democratic Iraq. The Dem's solution: GIVE US RUMSFELD! Oooo shear genius. I swear to God they're running around like its The Lord of the Flies, or maybe their just taking tea with the Queen of Hearts in Alice and Wonderland. Will you please tell me what that will solve? Not a damn thing. Oh yeah they also criticize the Bush Administration for not having a plan. Okay I'm with you, what's your plan? Uuuuuuummmmmm well uuuuuuuuugh...OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!! Hey have you read the latest Senate Intelligence Report? Turns out there were no connections between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, Bush mislead the American people...and by the way the intelligence that led us to war was also misleading.

Are you serious?? I've never heard that before. Give me a fucking break, I wonder how many tax dollars and time they wasted on that report. I'm so apathetic I could almost give money to the Green Party. Whenever you boys grow a pair and can have a serious debate without throwing loaded rhetoric in my face let me know. Until then you can all go to hell. God I hate mid-terms.


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